Associate Joi Siler King was featured on Lawyers of Color’s 2022 Hot List, which recognizes young, promising attorneys of color. It is the organization’s tenth issue since its inaugural 2013 list.
Joi officially joined the firm as an associate in fall 2021 and was a summer associate in 2020. She focuses her practice on commercial disputes and employment matters and represents businesses in contractual disputes, represents and advises employers in employment-related matters, litigates real estate disputes, employing an innovative approach to solving issues that an organization may face.
Lawyers of Color released our first Hot List in 2013. Since then, it has been a tremendous joy to recognize junior- and mid-level attorneys who exemplify
Yolanda Young
integrity, high achievement, leadership, and a passion for diversity.
President and executive director
To view the 2022 Hot List and for more information on Lawyers of Color, click the links below.