DEF was a proud sponsor for the Gwinnett Chamber of Commerce’s HR Series Employment Law Seminar where Joi King spoke on employment issues covering inclusivity in the workplace.
During the Gwinnett Chamber of Commerce’s HR Series Employment Law Seminar, King presented on “A Brave Neurodiverse World: Reasonable Accommodations for Mental Health Conditions under the Americans with Disabilities Act”. King spoke on the importance of accommodating mental health conditions the same as physical disabilities are treated. She explains, “when employers and employees both fully engage in the collaborative process of finding a reasonable accommodation, they both benefit. The employee is able to perform their job without arbitrary roadblocks, and the employer has ideally created an environment where the employee can be productive without easily resolved hinderances to performance.”
The Gwinnett Chamber is pleased to provide a forum for HR professionals from various industries and work environments located in Gwinnett County, metro Atlanta and surrounding areas, and an opportunity to meet monthly for networking, information exchange and professional development. The Employment Law Seminar (formerly HRMA) is designed to educate businesses on the importance of taking proactive measures to stay compliant with the current labor and employment laws. As an approved continuing education provider for the Society of Human Resource Management (SHRM) and the Human Resource Certification Institute (HRCI), the Gwinnett Chamber strives to offer programs of value to its members. Interested in becoming a Gwinnett Chamber member? Click HERE.