Our award-winning Path2Partnership (P2P) program is a custom-designed leadership training program that enables our attorneys to learn the skills needed to be a successful Partner — at Drew Eckl & Farnham and with their clients.
Drew Eckl & Farnham’s Path2Partnership leadership program was designed through collaboration with several committees and department leaders at the firm to enable existing and upcoming partners to learn leadership and general business skills that are needed to be a successful partner. This program, designed as a Mini-MBA program specific to Drew Eckl & Farnham, provides cross-sectional training on leadership, managing your team, diversity & inclusion, business development skills, finance, and high-level IT knowledge specific to security and risks.
In additional to providing the business acument that is often overlooked at law firms, the Diversity Committee within the firm consulted with leadership to help design admission criteria for this program, which is mandatory for admission into the partnership, to intentionally be inclusive. This means that diverse attorneys, including women, minority, disabled, and LGBTQ+, who often do not have mentors within the firm, would be admitted based on objective criteria and not a nomination process.
The program provides education materials to all associates starting in year 1, or their first day with DEF, that will help prepare them for the program. Once an associate reaches a certain level of experience and tenure with the firm, they are approached by a member of our associate training committee to discuss their expectations on advancement, as well as receiving feedback from their partner on readiness for partnership. We believe that open lines of communication and feedback are crucial to the success of our firm, and this program is built on that principle.
DEF Named Most Innovative Law Firm for Path2Partnership Program: Drew Eckl & Farnham was selected by the Daily Report’s Georgia Legal Awards as an honoree for one of the Most Innovative Law Firms for our Path2Partnership program.
Daily Report Highlights DEF Diversity & Professional Develoment Efforts in “How a Midsize Firm is Systematically Mapping Diversity Efforts Across the Talent Pipeline”: The Path2Partnership program was highlighted as part of the firm’s systematic approach to creating a more inclusive law firm.
The Daily Report Recognizes DEF’s newly Elected Partners: After the inaugural year of the program, the Daily Report recognized DEF’s four newly elected partners, who were all women. Already partner, Jennifer Parrott, was been promoted to equity partner, while Vivian Fisher, Whitney Lay Greene and Melody Kiella were announced as new partners.
Drew Eckl & Farnham Recognized by LMASE Your Honor Awards for Path2Partnership Program: Christy Walsh, Director of Marketing & BD, won a “Your Honor Award” at the Legal Marketing Association Southeastern Conference on September 25th, 2019. This award recognizes the Firm’s Path2Partnership (P2P) program and the collaborative effort made by the our management team and various committees in order to design and implement the program.