Karen Karabinos will be speaking at the DRI Women in the Law Seminar on January 23-25, 2019 in Coronado, CA. Karen is co-presenting Minding Your Insurance Matters, which will guide the attendees through coverage claims, bad-faith disputes, and what actually is in the claim file. As an expert in the insurance field, Karen will delve into the potential minefields found in coverage matters and the best advice for keeping an insurer’s claim file out of hot water.
This is a presentation you do not want to miss! Register by December 26, 2018 and save $100.
Karen Karabinos has been litigating cases for more than 31 years, with the last 21 focused on the complexities of property insurance law. She has successfully handled more than 80 trials and hearings and annually conducts approximately 50 depositions and examinations under oath.