Congratulations to Hall McKinley who has been honored with the 2024 Tradition of Excellence Award by the General Practice & Trial Law Section of the State Bar of Georgia. This award recognizes outstanding members in categories such as plaintiff lawyer, defense lawyer, general practice lawyer, and judge, with Hall receiving recognition in the “Defense” category.
Joseph Chancey, Managing Partner at Drew Eckl & Farnham, remarks, “It’s an honor well-deserved for Hall’s four decades of service to the defense bar in Georgia and nationally through his active involvement and leadership in a variety of professional associations.”
The award ceremony will take place on Friday, June 7, at 4 p.m., at The Omni Amelia Island Resort, Amelia Island, FL. Following the ceremony, there will be a cocktail reception in honor of the awardees.
If you’d like to read more about Hall McKinley, click below to read his full bio: